Ljónapúsl úr við (124 bitar)

Original price was: 3.900 kr..Current price is: 2.900 kr..

26% Off

Vandað viðarpúsl. Ljóna púslið kemur í fallegum kassa með segli. Sérstök lögun trépúslanna bíður upp á skemmtilega áskorun fyrir unga sem aldna.

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Our Artefakt wooden puzzles are perfect for young and old. The interesting and artistically designed motifs are a lot of fun to puzzle and, due to the special shape of the puzzle pieces, present a special challenge for both children and adults. Patience is tested in a playful way and the ability to concentrate is trained at the same time. Our Artefakt wooden puzzles are made of robust wood and, unlike ordinary paper puzzles, always retain their shape.




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