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    Double Fianchetto The Modern Chess Lifestyle

    Original price was: 4.700 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    My Chess World by GM David Navara

    Original price was: 5.800 kr..Current price is: 4.900 kr..
    This book is not a pure (auto)biography, rather a games collection. It consists mainly of interesting high-class games played by me, including many losses. Most of the games are preceded by accompanying texts, which vary from essays to tournament reports. The title of the book might seem presumptuous, but I wanted to show how I see or experience the competitions without denying the chess worlds of others. While the texts are mostly light and subjective, at the same time I tried hard to stick to the facts and provide some food for thought.” ~ David Navara
  • Á útsölu!

    Universal Chess Training

    Original price was: 5.200 kr..Current price is: 4.500 kr..
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