
  • When I decided to write The Modernized Sveshnikov (June 2020) I knew that I was basically committing myself to covering the AntiSicilians in a separate book as well. After all, what’s a book on the Sveshnikov alone worth when your opponents decide to avoid the Open Sicilian? Especially since the Sveshnikov is nowadays considered to be one of the most reliable options for Black in the Sicilian, White players have been investigating new territories within the AntiSicilians. The book you are holding in your hands, Beat the AntiSicilians, aims to provide a complete Black repertoire against all the critical sidelines after 1.e4 c5. The biggest part of the book covers the Rossolimo and Alapin, but also the popular lines at club player’s level like the Grand Prix Attack and the Morra Gambit, and other alternatives on White’s 2nd move are also worked out in detail.
  • “A passed pawn must be blockaded, so as to have its power restrained as much as possible. The minor pieces (knight or bishop) are ideal for this purpose, as they can rarely be forced to retreat by enemy action. On the other hand, the major pieces (queen and rook) find it difficult to achieve a stable blockade as is easy to harass them, while one must also consider that, for such valuable pieces, dealing with a mere pawn cannot be an efficient form of employment. Taking the above into account, it becomes clear that the side with the passed pawn should seek to exchange minor pieces and retain the major ones; the opposite applies to the defending side.”
  • The idea behind this book is for you to ‘play’ as in a real game, and it is my job to ensure you have a pleasant time while training. I suggest you take at least an hour and a half for each game and as your coach I will indicate when to guess the moves. Sometimes there will be suggestions — including tricky ones — to measure your concentration level. The ideas behind the moves are always explained. The games have been chosen according to my personal liking and commentaries are based on those by the players themselves, which is a great help in understanding what indeed happened. In some games you will have to guess moves for the losing side too. Indeed, I expect that as you proceed you will become familiar with the question of Mark Dvoretsky: “What could my opponent play?”. Importance has also been given to the practical aspect, which doesn’t always coincide with the suggestions off ered by the engines as best. This is to make it more like ‘a real game’.
  • Ivan Sokolov was one of the most furious attacking and creative players of his time. The author presents an overview of is his Life in Chess, full of entertaining unpublished material. He is not shy to share his opinions and promises the reader a personal roller coaster loaded with fun stories and unexpected twists. We are convinced you will enjoy the ride!
  • I found the idea to switch sides. By this, I mean to look at games from White’s perspective and then from Black’s. A rather interesting concept, as things often appear quite different, depending on the viewpoint. If one searches for videos showing a joint analysis of elite players, one may often see them completely disagree on certain positions, both of them claiming he stood, or would have stood, better here or there.
  • Mjög góð þjálfunarbók The book covers exactly what it promises to cover; they have a bit of everything in the examples ranging from silent knight maneuvers to fancy sacrifices. Their idea in the book is to help players train for tournaments by working on all aspects of the game and looking at problems in a wholesome way. They have a wide variety of topics from a wide variety of players. For example, there is an exercise of beautiful tactical play by the former World Champion Viswanathan Anand against Super Grandmaster Alexander Grischuk. As you solve the problem and move on, you will see another exercise played by their students rated around 1300. This is a beautiful way to illustrate that chess is chess, no matter who is playing the game. Just a heads-up to the reader, the latter is much harder to crack! Some of the examples like Jeffrey Xiong missing a queen trap or Nihal Sarin missing a simple way to control an open file to gain an advantage show that even the best of the best make mistakes. Even though there may be easy puzzles you can solve in a few minutes or real Titanic’s that take hours to sink in, you must consistently train with them.
  • Nýr titill! Biblía Philidor skákmannsins. Virkilega vel unnin bók sem hefur fengið mikið lof. Óhætt að mæla með þessari. “Pawns are the soul of chess.” We have all heard this phrase more than once in our chess life and we owe it to the great French player François-André Danican, so-called Philidor, considered one of the best chess players of the 18th century.
  • Endgame theory teaches us two fundamental issues: First, how to extract the maximum from a basic theoretical position with little material, where the experts (from practice comprising thousands of games) have reached definite conclusions. Second, the way in which we can handle an endgame, depending on the material remaining on the board, and the ideas and plans we should employ. The purpose of this series is to introduce the reader to advanced training concepts, using the same methods of presentation and instruction that were taught to great players by famous trainers that they have worked with. The series will start with the topic of “the Bishop Pair” and we will examine how to handle this “power of the sun” coupling.
  • Grandmasters Kotronias and Ivanov are renowned as leading theoreticians and chess trainers. They offer a unique and world-class repertoire based on 1.d4! They advocate an ambitious approach for White, with the aim to fight for an advantage in any position. This is their first joint effort; they tackle the ever-popular Queen’s Gambit Accepted and their sidelines in Volume 1A and 1B. We at Thinkers believe their job could not have been done any better.


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