
  • Á útsölu!

    Sicilian Taimanov

    Original price was: 4.600 kr..Current price is: 4.100 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    The Hyper Accelerated Dragon, Extended New Edition

    Original price was: 4.500 kr..Current price is: 4.100 kr..
    The Hyper Accelerated Dragon is recommended for all players that are eager to enter critical lines in this exciting Sicilian Opening!
  • Á útsölu!

    A Complete Repertoire for Black after 1.e4-e5!

    Original price was: 4.500 kr..Current price is: 4.100 kr..
    “1.e4 e5 is not just an opening. It is repertoire that represents our game as a whole. It is something players of all styles will enjoy due to the countless possibilities 1…e5 provides. Hopefully, learning 1…e5 will also make you a better player” ~ Yuriy Krykun
  • Á útsölu!

    Italian Renaissance II: The Main Lines

    Original price was: 4.600 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
  • Gambit Killer

    4.200 kr.
    Chess is, after all, a game. It’s important to find the best moves. You don’t need to know everything about chess; what you need to know is the right things! This is why children now learn the game more quickly – they get the right information. Even if they don’t know many things, they have the right patterns in their heads! This is my first goal in this book. I want to give you ONLY the information that you need, no more, no less. Of course, this was not an easy task, but I tried my best.
  • Á útsölu!

    Rakhmanov´s Secrets of Opening Preparation

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
    Nýr titill. Mæli með þessari! The character of any player is reflected in their game. It also applies to choosing their openings. Therefore, for you to better understand what I’m going to explain in this book, I should describe my style. I play simple positional chess and like to play the endgame. I don’t look for complications for the sake of complications, but if the position requires sacrifices based on the situation on the board, then I will do so without hesitation. I like to control the course of actions; therefore, I would prefer to play with the initiative without a pawn than vice-versa. In general, giving the opponent dynamics is a bad idea.
  • Á útsölu!

    The Modernized Philidor Defense

    Original price was: 4.800 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
    Nýr titill! Biblía Philidor skákmannsins. Virkilega vel unnin bók sem hefur fengið mikið lof. Óhætt að mæla með þessari. “Pawns are the soul of chess.” We have all heard this phrase more than once in our chess life and we owe it to the great French player François-André Danican, so-called Philidor, considered one of the best chess players of the 18th century.
  • Á útsölu!

    The Bg5 Najdorf Revisited – Volume 2

    Original price was: 5.000 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4! – 1A – Queen’s Gambit Accepted & Minors – Aggressive Enterprise

    Original price was: 4.800 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
    Grandmasters Kotronias and Ivanov are renowned as leading theoreticians and chess trainers. They offer a unique and world-class repertoire based on 1.d4! They advocate an ambitious approach for White, with the aim to fight for an advantage in any position. This is their first joint effort; they tackle the ever-popular Queen’s Gambit Accepted and their sidelines in Volume 1A and 1B. We at Thinkers believe their job could not have been done any better.
  • Á útsölu!

    Double Fianchetto The Modern Chess Lifestyle

    Original price was: 4.700 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    I was a Victim of Bobby Fischer (Harðspjalda)

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    Street Smart Chess (Harðspjalda)

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
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