Á útsölu!
- The clarity, simplicity, and pure instructiveness of this book is striking.
- The analysis is first rate, the commentary cogent, and the production excellent.
- The emphasis is on general principles that readers will be able to use in their own games.
- The key is to always stay ahead of your opponent and know how to control the chaos on the chess board. Armin Juhasz explains all this in detail without losing sight of practical decision making.
- With the right strategies, anyone can become a champion and level up their game to become unstoppable. This book is for the ambitious and keen player!
Á útsölu!Frábær bók um þetta stórskemmtilega mót sem lauk með óvæntum sigri! 750 bls af fróðleik og skemmtun.
Á útsölu!There are two parts to this book. The first 17 chapters elaborate on the most important motifs in practical chess. The remaining 8 chapters showcase the art of attack and defense. Certain motifs feel like they belong together and the order of the chapters in which they are discussed reflects that. All 25 chapters of this book begin with an introduction which is always designed to clearly illustrate the motif or theme at hand. Most but not all of the games here are classics. All the introductions are followed by training puzzles in order to reinforce pattern recognition and learning for what has been discussed beforehand.
skákbækurTómas Veigar Sigurðarson2023-06-12T16:33:59+00:00