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    The Passed Pawn – Power of the Passer

    Original price was: 4.600 kr..Current price is: 4.000 kr..
    “A passed pawn must be blockaded, so as to have its power restrained as much as possible. The minor pieces (knight or bishop) are ideal for this purpose, as they can rarely be forced to retreat by enemy action. On the other hand, the major pieces (queen and rook) find it difficult to achieve a stable blockade as is easy to harass them, while one must also consider that, for such valuable pieces, dealing with a mere pawn cannot be an efficient form of employment. Taking the above into account, it becomes clear that the side with the passed pawn should seek to exchange minor pieces and retain the major ones; the opposite applies to the defending side.”
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    The Practical Endgame Bible – Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endgame – Boroljub Zlatanovic

    Original price was: 5.700 kr..Current price is: 4.900 kr..
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    The Richter-Rauzer Reborn – The Kozul Variaton

    Original price was: 5.200 kr..Current price is: 4.500 kr..
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    The Taimanov Bible – Second Revised and Extended Edition

    Original price was: 5.600 kr..Current price is: 4.900 kr..
    n addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style). The latest fashion, which we have to mention, did not even exist when we started to write our book – the 7.Qf3 line. Readers will have the choice between the peaceful 7…Bd6, and 7…d6 where we head for a sharp Sicilian, true to its style. In the famous English attack with Be3 – Qd2 – 0-0-0, in addition to the well-known …Bb4 and …Ne5, our second proposal – of which we can safely state that we are most proud – is called the “Serbian variation” starting with …Bb4 and …0-0. About the specific move order in reaching our Paulsen-Taimanov variation, there are two possibilities. The first possibility is to start with 2… e6 and 4… Nc6, and the second one is revealed by 2…Nc6 with 4…Qc7. We decided on the move order 2…Nc6 and 4…Qc7 firstly because we all learned this way in the Paulsen-Taimanov variation, but also for practical reasons. Firstly, we avoid 5.Nb5, which results in typical Hedgehog set-ups, and these positions are not to everyone’s taste.
    • Another reason is to keep in reserve the option of playing …e5 at once, or sometimes even …g6 without touching the e-pawn. This book is the result of twenty years of our work and playing the Taimanov combined. We have played over 500 games in this variation and we desired to show all the beauty and richness of “our” variation. We hope that our book will conjure all this and more, and will help our readers into the labyrinths of our Taimanov Bible.
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    Think Like A Machine

    Original price was: 4.500 kr..Current price is: 4.000 kr..
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    Think Like A Machine (Harðspjalda)

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
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    Thinkers Chess Academy Volume 3 – Test your chess knowledge – Crucial exercises to sharpen your understanding.

    Original price was: 5.500 kr..Current price is: 4.900 kr..
    Not every reader is ambitious enough or has enough time to work very hard on his chess. That’s quite understandable and nothing to be ashamed of. You can enjoy chess very well without being a strong tournament player. You could just entertain yourself by playing through interesting combinations. In this case don’t try too hard to solve the Advanced Lessons or Master Class exercises. Have a look to make yourself familiar with the position, than look at the solution and enjoy the surprising combinations. You won’t learn as much as you would by racking your brain to crack the hard nuts. But some knowledge and experience will certainly rub off and increase your understanding of chess. I hope this book will help you to work towards your goals and let have you fun with chess, Thomas Luther, September 2022
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    Thinkers´ Chess Academy with Grandmaster Thomas Luther: Volume 1 – First Steps in Tactics

    Original price was: 4.400 kr..Current price is: 3.900 kr..
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    Thinkers´ Chess Academy with Grandmaster Thomas Luther: Volume 2 – From Tactics to Strategy Winning Knowledge!

    Original price was: 4.400 kr..Current price is: 3.900 kr..
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    Thinkers’ Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther – Volume 4: 365 Endgame Lessons for Novices

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    Crucial Exercises To Sharpen Your Understanding This is the third book of the Thinkers’ Chess Academy series. I thought long and hard about the best way to structure this Workbook. My idea was to make a book with additional exercises for readers of my earlier books Thinker’s Chess Academy Volumes 1 & 2 (TCA1 and TCA2 for short) while working with these books, plus material for really interested and ambitious readers to maintain and broaden the skills they have already learned.
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    To Exchange or Not: The ultimate Workbook

    Original price was: 4.400 kr..Current price is: 3.900 kr..
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    Together with Mamedyarov

    Original price was: 3.900 kr..Current price is: 3.300 kr..
    “Together With Mamedyarov” is not a collection of his selected games but it is primarily a study-book. It contains test positions taken from games of the famous Azeri grandmaster with detailed comments on the solutions to the tasks. In this book the solutions have been placed right after a diagram with a test except for the six positions given as a warm-up in the beginning of the chapter one. For those of you who work without the assistance of a coach would recommend that you cover the answer with a sheet of paper to avoid spoiling the benefit of solving the problem.
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