• Alban taflmennirnir eru glæsilega hannaðir með fellgum útskurð. Hentar þeim sem vilja fallega og vandaða taflmenn í keppnisstærð. Þessir taflmenn passa á öll taflborð en Skákbúðin mælir með taflborði no 6 eða indverskum borðum með þessu setti.
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    Beat the Anti-Sicilians

    Original price was: 4.600 kr..Current price is: 4.000 kr..
    When I decided to write The Modernized Sveshnikov (June 2020) I knew that I was basically committing myself to covering the AntiSicilians in a separate book as well. After all, what’s a book on the Sveshnikov alone worth when your opponents decide to avoid the Open Sicilian? Especially since the Sveshnikov is nowadays considered to be one of the most reliable options for Black in the Sicilian, White players have been investigating new territories within the AntiSicilians. The book you are holding in your hands, Beat the AntiSicilians, aims to provide a complete Black repertoire against all the critical sidelines after 1.e4 c5. The biggest part of the book covers the Rossolimo and Alapin, but also the popular lines at club player’s level like the Grand Prix Attack and the Morra Gambit, and other alternatives on White’s 2nd move are also worked out in detail.
  • Frábært þyngt plastsett. Hentar vel fyrir byrjendur jafnt sem lengra komna. Kóngurinn er 3.75″ á hæð.  Auka drottning fylgir. Skákbúðin mælir með þessu setti og samanbrjótanlegu borði!
  • Einstaklega fínir handgerðir Staunton taflmenn sem koma í viðarboxi. Allt á einum stað. Við mælum með taflborði no 5 eða no 6 með þessum taflmönnum.
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    Judit Polgar Deluxe taflmenn 3,75″ settið kemur í vönduðu tréboxi

    Original price was: 34.900 kr..Current price is: 32.900 kr..
  • Á útsölu!

    Miguel Najdorf „El Viejo“ – Life, Games & Stories

    Original price was: 5.500 kr..Current price is: 4.500 kr..
    Nýr titill! Frábær bók 720 blaðsíður!
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    Plastmenn í keppnisstærð 3.75″ (95mm) Frábær fyrir byrjendur og skóla

    Original price was: 3.900 kr..Current price is: 3.000 kr..
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    Reproduced 1849 4,5″ Ebonized Boxwood lúxus taflmenn frá Indlandi

    Original price was: 42.900 kr..Current price is: 36.900 kr..
    Þetta gerist ekki mikið betra en þetta. Glæsilegt handskorið sett frá Indlandi. Passar á borð no 6 og indversku borðin. Algjört stofudjásn eða falleg gjöf!
  • Skákbúðin mælir með þessum flotti taflmönnum á talfborð númer 5 eða samanbrjótanlegt taflborð númer 5.
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    Sýningartafl með segli (kemur í tösku)

    Original price was: 9.900 kr..Current price is: 5.900 kr..
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    Taflborð BLEIKT samanbrjótanlegt

    Original price was: 3.200 kr..Current price is: 2.500 kr..
    Samanbrjótanlegt taflborð sem passar fyrir allar gerðir taflmanna. Hver reitur er 55mm. Mælum með bleikum, fjólubláum, bláum eða grænum taflmönnum á þetta borð.
  • Samanbrjótanlegt taflborð sem passar fyrir allar gerðir taflmanna. Hver reitur er 55mm.
  • Á útsölu!

    Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2021

    Original price was: 5.800 kr..Current price is: 4.500 kr..
    Frábær bók um þetta stórskemmtilega mót sem lauk með óvæntum sigri! 750 bls af fróðleik og skemmtun.
  • Á útsölu!

    The Benko Revisited – Volume 1

    Original price was: 5.000 kr..Current price is: 4.600 kr..
    Why do I recommend my book to you, dear reader? First of all, the lines are all analyzed very deeply. You do not have to turn on the engine and wait for the computer to produce a ready-made solution. Believe me, in analyzing this book, I used the most modern equipment, and thus the reader saves a lot of time. In our information age, time is very precious, and by buying my book you will gain at least time. I have spent a huge amount of my own time analyzing the various lines, but also commenting on the options especially for you, my friends.
  • Á útsölu!

    The Modernized Nimzo-QGD

    Original price was: 4.400 kr..Current price is: 3.300 kr..
    “A combination of the Queen’s Gambit Declined and Nimzo-Indian is considered one of best ways to play against 1.d4, 1.c4 or 1.Nf3.” ~ Milos Pavlovic
  • Á útsölu!

    U Cannot Be Serious: Avant-Garde Strategy in Chess

    Original price was: 4.400 kr..Current price is: 2.900 kr..
    Nýtt inn! Vertu öðruvísi og hugmyndaríkur við skákborðið. Komdu andstæðingum þínum á óvart. This book is written with the intention to introduce the reader to the creative chess ideas of Michael Basman. He gave up more intense regular tournament chess around the turn of the millennium, to concentrate his energy on the development of school chess. And that is what he is mainly known for in recent times, as the motor who made the UK Chess Challenge blossom. Nowadays the yearly nation-wide school competition still attracts around 40,000 children, and that is not even the record. […]
  • This is a combination of our medium chess set which connects the exclusive Indian chess pieces with a tournament wooden chessboard. It goes with the exclusive chess pieces model German Knight 3''. They are made of acacia and boxwood. The lovely folding chess board has been inlaid with mahogany and sycamore wood. It has an insert tray for the chess pieces storage inside.
  • Glæsilegar "analogue" skákklukkur úr við á fæti. Vandaðar skákklukkur með BHB gangverki. Einfaldar í stillingu og einkar notendavænar. Klukkur eins og notaðar voru í "gamla daga".
  • Á útsölu!

    Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4! -1B – Queen’s Gambit Accepted – Aggressive Enterprise

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    What you are holding in your hands is the natural follow up of Volume 1 where some “lesser” openings aft er 1.d4 d5 2.c4 were examined, as well as a couple of less popular variations of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted. This second Volume comprises all of the established main lines of the QGA aft er our recommended 3.e4 with the intention of giving you a full picture of this topical opening while helping you build a repertoire based on aggressive ideas. Objectively speaking, it is very hard for White to find an advantage in the event of the absolute main lines 3…Nf6 and 3…e5, but we believe we have done our duty. We scrutinized multiple interesting variations with the help of engines while applying our human understanding to select those lines that would be the most unpleasant for Black. Additionally, we tried to provide you with as many alternatives as possible so as not to become “victims” of a narrow repertoire.
  • Á útsölu!

    Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4! – 1A – Queen’s Gambit Accepted & Minors – Aggressive Enterprise

    Original price was: 4.800 kr..Current price is: 4.200 kr..
    Grandmasters Kotronias and Ivanov are renowned as leading theoreticians and chess trainers. They offer a unique and world-class repertoire based on 1.d4! They advocate an ambitious approach for White, with the aim to fight for an advantage in any position. This is their first joint effort; they tackle the ever-popular Queen’s Gambit Accepted and their sidelines in Volume 1A and 1B. We at Thinkers believe their job could not have been done any better.
  • Á útsölu!

    Your Jungle Guide to Unbalancing Your Opponents

    Original price was: 5.200 kr..Current price is: 4.500 kr..
  • Þessir indversku taflmenn passa á borð no 6 og lúxus borðin frá Indlandi


    Hæð á kóng : 3,75“ = 9,5cm

    Viður: Acacia/Boxwood

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