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    The Exchange Sacrifice Unleashed (Harðspjalda)

    Original price was: 6.200 kr..Current price is: 5.200 kr..
    • Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice, and when we feel it come together as though a part of us. • Why so much talk about such or similar sacrifices? Quite simply because we are afraid! We have been taught, and practice shows and proves the clear fact, that the closer we get to the last part of the game, the ending, the more pronounced a material advantage becomes. • If in the middlegame we can still hope for sudden turns, for the influence of other pieces, this is negligible in the endgame. • Maybe less so with tactical sacrifices, where we immediately see what the sacrificer gets in return. • How can we not accept the rook that the opponent offers us, when there is nothing concrete to see? One or two weaknesses perhaps, but they can be eliminated, and the material advantage and a secure victory in the endgame remains.
  • The Hyper Accelerated Dragon is recommended for all players that are eager to enter critical lines in this exciting Sicilian Opening!
  • Here is what has been added to this edition:
    • More accurate and extensive annotations using ChessBase and Stockfish 14.
    • Torre’s own annotations to several games have been unearthed and added.
    • Added games to give a more rounded view of Torre. Also the six games between players other than Torre that he annotated for the Mexican Championship tournament book.
    • Many more diagrams and photographs. Also more thumbnail bios of Torre’s opponents.
    • More ancillary material about Torre’s life and career: newspaper articles, pictures, anecdotes, interesting facts, opinions, trivia etc.
    • A 1927 interview with Torre, published in the Yucatán magazine Anahuac.
    • Excerpts from 64 Variaciones Sobre un Tema de Torre by Germán de la Cruz.
    • Columns and articles from newspapers in Torre’s home town of Mérida.
    • “A Clash of Opposites,” comparing and contrasting Torre with the notorious Norman Tweed Whitaker.
    • The full text of Torre’s 1926 booklet Development of Chess Ability.
    • A review of Torre x Torre, a fascinating documentary film.
    • A more extensive, more fully informed overall assessment of Torre as a player.
    The Life and Games of Carlos Torre – Gabriel Velasco & Taylor Kingston – 588 pages.
  • My aim with the book was to provide you with a lot of insights into this remarkable variation, The Ark, and to entertain the reader with spectacular, resourceful lines to illustrate the ideas. Thus, I must stress that my book should also be interesting for those who just enjoy chess in general, not just for the fans of this line seeking new ideas! Of course, you don’t need to memorize everything to be able to play the variation successfully. Longer lines merely tend to be examples of how the game might develop, which help to enhance your understanding.
  • • The Barry Attack is a little rebellious but most dynamic opening • It’s one of the fastest ways to outplay your opponent in the opening. • The ‘’super repertoire’’ that always keeps Black under pressure in all variations. • Any reasonable opening set-up can work wonders for White or Black if they know it well. • Anyone who takes the trouble to play through each model example, move by move, note by note, will be rewarded. • Your strategic play will deepen and your tactics will improve along with your assessment skills, and you’ll end up with a great repertoire!
  • “With this book, I wanted to revitalise the Benko and show that, although the computer isn’t that happy with Black’s positions in certain lines, his resources are impressive, especially in ‘THE PRACTICAL GAME’, because White will face many difficulties and Black’s counter attacks, no matter how well-prepared he is. Our Beloved Benko is still very much ALIVE!:” ~ Milos Perunovic
  • “In my opinion, the Delayed Benoni is a kind of mystery for White also, since it has not been covered deeply enough in chess publications. So I think that this work could be useful for White players, too.” ~ Ivan Ivanisevic
  • “It just takes some time to become familiar with all the possibilities and ensuing middlegames. But once you finally master the isolated pawn structure, it will serve you well and equip you with a wide selection of tools with which you can outplay your opponent” ~ David Miedema
  • “Here we are, together on this page, both interested in the French Defence with 3.Nc3 Bb4.” ~ David Miedema
  • “It’s all simple: memorize a few lines and then go fight for the initiative from the very beginning” ~ Yaro Zherebukh


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