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    Think Like A Machine (Harðspjalda)

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
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    Young Guns At Work

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
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    The Bishop Pair – Power of the Sun

    Original price was: 4.800 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    Endgame theory teaches us two fundamental issues: First, how to extract the maximum from a basic theoretical position with little material, where the experts (from practice comprising thousands of games) have reached definite conclusions. Second, the way in which we can handle an endgame, depending on the material remaining on the board, and the ideas and plans we should employ. The purpose of this series is to introduce the reader to advanced training concepts, using the same methods of presentation and instruction that were taught to great players by famous trainers that they have worked with. The series will start with the topic of “the Bishop Pair” and we will examine how to handle this “power of the sun” coupling.
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    Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4! -1B – Queen’s Gambit Accepted – Aggressive Enterprise

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    What you are holding in your hands is the natural follow up of Volume 1 where some “lesser” openings aft er 1.d4 d5 2.c4 were examined, as well as a couple of less popular variations of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted. This second Volume comprises all of the established main lines of the QGA aft er our recommended 3.e4 with the intention of giving you a full picture of this topical opening while helping you build a repertoire based on aggressive ideas. Objectively speaking, it is very hard for White to find an advantage in the event of the absolute main lines 3…Nf6 and 3…e5, but we believe we have done our duty. We scrutinized multiple interesting variations with the help of engines while applying our human understanding to select those lines that would be the most unpleasant for Black. Additionally, we tried to provide you with as many alternatives as possible so as not to become “victims” of a narrow repertoire.
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    She Plays To Win – Be Inspired by Our Chess Queens

    Original price was: 5.300 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    Find your role model. This book contains games from every single female World Champion, as well as young up and comers, top seasoned professionals, streamers, and even a section at Beth Harmon from the recent famed Queen’s Gambit hit show. This book is not just for girls and women, however. Any chess player can learn from these games and discover female chess history, both from the famous players in the past right up to the present day.
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    Thinkers’ Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther – Volume 4: 365 Endgame Lessons for Novices

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.300 kr..
    Crucial Exercises To Sharpen Your Understanding This is the third book of the Thinkers’ Chess Academy series. I thought long and hard about the best way to structure this Workbook. My idea was to make a book with additional exercises for readers of my earlier books Thinker’s Chess Academy Volumes 1 & 2 (TCA1 and TCA2 for short) while working with these books, plus material for really interested and ambitious readers to maintain and broaden the skills they have already learned.
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    Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess Volume 1

    Original price was: 5.000 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
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    Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess Volume 2

    Original price was: 5.000 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
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    The Benko Revisited – Volume 2

    Original price was: 5.000 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
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    The Nimzo & Bogo-Indian Revisited – A Complete Repertoire for Black – GM Lukasz Jarmula

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
    • The spirit of Indian Defenses is based on flexibility and harmony.
    • Most of the lines are positional, not tactical in character.
    • While playing Black, you have to accept that occasionally you will not equalize, or get surprised or out-prepared.
    • Learning the material from this book should sharply limit the extent of such instances, thus improving your overall results.
    • Finally, we have an important piece of advice: remember about color strategy!
    • The Bogo-Indian is mainly based on dark-squared control, while the Nimzo-Indian does so on the light squares. In case you forget what to do, this may prove a very useful guideline when choosing a move.
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    Beat the Dutch Defense – A Killer Weapon

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
    The Staunton Gambit is a very rewarding opening. White’s piece development follows the classical principles of gambit play. White is ahead in development and obtains a fine initiative. Even without the theoretical knowledge of certain variations, White should be able to find his way. Best of all, White determines the direction of the game already on move two, without the risk of having to play the maneuvering games we know from the Leningrad Dutch, the Stonewall Dutch or the Classical Dutch.
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    Your Jungle Guide to Rook Endings

    Original price was: 4.900 kr..Current price is: 4.400 kr..
    “The endgame is the moment of truth. It is the phase of the game where we will try to reap the seeds of our effort regardless of whether that is the full point of victory or the half point of the draw. The significance of errors increases in the endgame as the opportunities for correcting them are few.” ~ Efstratios Grivas
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