Á útsölu!“A combination of the Queen’s Gambit Declined and Nimzo-Indian is considered one of best ways to play against 1.d4, 1.c4 or 1.Nf3.” ~ Milos Pavlovic
Á útsölu!Nýr titill! Concept bækurnar hans Grootens eru virkilega góðar og lærdómsríkar.
Á útsölu!“The current trend, developed in recent years, is for Black to capture on d4 with his e-pawn, aiming for Benoni-type pawn structure positions which lead to rather double-edged positions.” ~ Ivan Sokolov
Á útsölu!Ivan Sokolov was one of the most furious attacking and creative players of his time. The author presents an overview of is his Life in Chess, full of entertaining unpublished material. He is not shy to share his opinions and promises the reader a personal roller coaster loaded with fun stories and unexpected twists. We are convinced you will enjoy the ride!
Á útsölu!I found the idea to switch sides. By this, I mean to look at games from White’s perspective and then from Black’s. A rather interesting concept, as things often appear quite different, depending on the viewpoint. If one searches for videos showing a joint analysis of elite players, one may often see them completely disagree on certain positions, both of them claiming he stood, or would have stood, better here or there.
Á útsölu!The Hyper Accelerated Dragon is recommended for all players that are eager to enter critical lines in this exciting Sicilian Opening!
Á útsölu!“1.e4 e5 is not just an opening. It is repertoire that represents our game as a whole. It is something players of all styles will enjoy due to the countless possibilities 1…e5 provides. Hopefully, learning 1…e5 will also make you a better player” ~ Yuriy Krykun
Chess is, after all, a game. It’s important to find the best moves. You don’t need to know everything about chess; what you need to know is the right things! This is why children now learn the game more quickly – they get the right information. Even if they don’t know many things, they have the right patterns in their heads! This is my first goal in this book. I want to give you ONLY the information that you need, no more, no less. Of course, this was not an easy task, but I tried my best.
Á útsölu!Nýr titill! Biblía Philidor skákmannsins. Virkilega vel unnin bók sem hefur fengið mikið lof. Óhætt að mæla með þessari. “Pawns are the soul of chess.” We have all heard this phrase more than once in our chess life and we owe it to the great French player François-André Danican, so-called Philidor, considered one of the best chess players of the 18th century.
Á útsölu!
- The spirit of Indian Defenses is based on flexibility and harmony.
- Most of the lines are positional, not tactical in character.
- While playing Black, you have to accept that occasionally you will not equalize, or get surprised or out-prepared.
- Learning the material from this book should sharply limit the extent of such instances, thus improving your overall results.
- Finally, we have an important piece of advice: remember about color strategy!
- The Bogo-Indian is mainly based on dark-squared control, while the Nimzo-Indian does so on the light squares. In case you forget what to do, this may prove a very useful guideline when choosing a move.
Á útsölu!The Staunton Gambit is a very rewarding opening. White’s piece development follows the classical principles of gambit play. White is ahead in development and obtains a fine initiative. Even without the theoretical knowledge of certain variations, White should be able to find his way. Best of all, White determines the direction of the game already on move two, without the risk of having to play the maneuvering games we know from the Leningrad Dutch, the Stonewall Dutch or the Classical Dutch.
Á útsölu!
- Jan Boekelman has produced you with a playable repertoire out of a somewhat sideline Opening, which nobody dared to touch to make it into an entire repertoire.
- Try to expand your knowledge in the 3.c3 variation and go beyond the book’s content
- Deepen your knowledge in 3.c4 variation and do not play it before you know it well
- Finally, follow the very strong GM Vladislav Artemiev, who has had a relatively successful run with this opening in rapid online events.
Á útsölu!Why do I recommend my book to you, dear reader? First of all, the lines are all analyzed very deeply. You do not have to turn on the engine and wait for the computer to produce a ready-made solution. Believe me, in analyzing this book, I used the most modern equipment, and thus the reader saves a lot of time. In our information age, time is very precious, and by buying my book you will gain at least time. I have spent a huge amount of my own time analyzing the various lines, but also commenting on the options especially for you, my friends.
Nýr titill. Mæli með þessari! The character of any player is reflected in their game. It also applies to choosing their openings. Therefore, for you to better understand what I’m going to explain in this book, I should describe my style. I play simple positional chess and like to play the endgame. I don’t look for complications for the sake of complications, but if the position requires sacrifices based on the situation on the board, then I will do so without hesitation. I like to control the course of actions; therefore, I would prefer to play with the initiative without a pawn than vice-versa. In general, giving the opponent dynamics is a bad idea.
Á útsölu!Here is what has been added to this edition:
- More accurate and extensive annotations using ChessBase and Stockfish 14.
- Torre’s own annotations to several games have been unearthed and added.
- Added games to give a more rounded view of Torre. Also the six games between players other than Torre that he annotated for the Mexican Championship tournament book.
- Many more diagrams and photographs. Also more thumbnail bios of Torre’s opponents.
- More ancillary material about Torre’s life and career: newspaper articles, pictures, anecdotes, interesting facts, opinions, trivia etc.
- A 1927 interview with Torre, published in the Yucatán magazine Anahuac.
- Excerpts from 64 Variaciones Sobre un Tema de Torre by Germán de la Cruz.
- Columns and articles from newspapers in Torre’s home town of Mérida.
- “A Clash of Opposites,” comparing and contrasting Torre with the notorious Norman Tweed Whitaker.
- The full text of Torre’s 1926 booklet Development of Chess Ability.
- A review of Torre x Torre, a fascinating documentary film.
- A more extensive, more fully informed overall assessment of Torre as a player.
Á útsölu!n addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style). The latest fashion, which we have to mention, did not even exist when we started to write our book – the 7.Qf3 line. Readers will have the choice between the peaceful 7…Bd6, and 7…d6 where we head for a sharp Sicilian, true to its style. In the famous English attack with Be3 – Qd2 – 0-0-0, in addition to the well-known …Bb4 and …Ne5, our second proposal – of which we can safely state that we are most proud – is called the “Serbian variation” starting with …Bb4 and …0-0. About the specific move order in reaching our Paulsen-Taimanov variation, there are two possibilities. The first possibility is to start with 2… e6 and 4… Nc6, and the second one is revealed by 2…Nc6 with 4…Qc7. We decided on the move order 2…Nc6 and 4…Qc7 firstly because we all learned this way in the Paulsen-Taimanov variation, but also for practical reasons. Firstly, we avoid 5.Nb5, which results in typical Hedgehog set-ups, and these positions are not to everyone’s taste.
- Another reason is to keep in reserve the option of playing …e5 at once, or sometimes even …g6 without touching the e-pawn. This book is the result of twenty years of our work and playing the Taimanov combined. We have played over 500 games in this variation and we desired to show all the beauty and richness of “our” variation. We hope that our book will conjure all this and more, and will help our readers into the labyrinths of our Taimanov Bible.
Á útsölu!Efstratios Grivas – The Anti-Sicilian Bible – A Complete Repertoire for Black – 520 pages. We must be trained not only in concrete opening moves but also on the middlegame, endgame, and tactical part of the opening. And this is exactly what this book offers: a complete structural think-tank on the non-open form of the Sicilian Defense.
Á útsölu!The Slav encompasses a wide but solid body of theory. Black has plenty of options and finding advantages and practical chances was not easy at all. In any case. From amateurs to very strong players, I believe that every chess player will appreciate this book.
Á útsölu!My aim with the book was to provide you with a lot of insights into this remarkable variation, The Ark, and to entertain the reader with spectacular, resourceful lines to illustrate the ideas. Thus, I must stress that my book should also be interesting for those who just enjoy chess in general, not just for the fans of this line seeking new ideas! Of course, you don’t need to memorize everything to be able to play the variation successfully. Longer lines merely tend to be examples of how the game might develop, which help to enhance your understanding.
Á útsölu!• Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice, and when we feel it come together as though a part of us. • Why so much talk about such or similar sacrifices? Quite simply because we are afraid! We have been taught, and practice shows and proves the clear fact, that the closer we get to the last part of the game, the ending, the more pronounced a material advantage becomes. • If in the middlegame we can still hope for sudden turns, for the influence of other pieces, this is negligible in the endgame. • Maybe less so with tactical sacrifices, where we immediately see what the sacrificer gets in return. • How can we not accept the rook that the opponent offers us, when there is nothing concrete to see? One or two weaknesses perhaps, but they can be eliminated, and the material advantage and a secure victory in the endgame remains.